


By raising the question of a “manifold rationality”, the conference aims to identify with their methods and models, their issues and limitations, the multiple poles of rationality developed in classical Islam: the sciences (astronomy, logic, mathematics, natural philosophy, medicine), the linguistic or historical disciplines, as well as philosophy, law, political and ethical thought. Three of these areas of rationality will be highlighted: sciences, philosophy and rational theology (kalam).

Though each of them has its specific features (philosophy and kalam have developed competing cosmologies and methods of argumentation), these three disciplines share common objects (e.g. the concept of infinite or the notion of space) and the project to develop methods and rules for a justified argumentation.

The study of these fields has undergone in recent decades a significant change, which this international conference, the 9th to be organized by the Society for its twenty five years of existence, aims to reflect.


 Download the Sihspai_Conference2014Paris_1.pdf (Presentation, Lecturers, Access, ....).

Download the poster of the Conference

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